About Title I

What is Title I ?

In support of strengthening student academic achievement, Ringgold Middle School  receives Title I, Part A funds and therefore must jointly develop with, agree with, and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy that contains information required by section 1116(b) and (c) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The policy establishes the school's expectations for parent and family engagement and describes how the school will implement a number of specific parent and family engagement activities

This is a plan that describes how RMS will provide opportunities to improve parent and family engagement to support student learning. RMS values the contributions and involvement of parents and families to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that RMS will support parent and family engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at home and school.  

If this policy and/or school plan is not satisfactory please contact Gina Haynes at 706-965-2297 or [email protected]

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